With book signings, personal appearances and press calls, the life of a best-selling author is an exciting one. However, when one is beginning one's hopefully stratospheric rise, it can be quite a lonely one. So, its fabulous when, out of the blue, someone shows an interest.
International superstar and media sweetheart Ryan Stark is slowly building his literary kudos so, as his alter-ego, I still have a career as a Business Analyst. This week has seen leaps and bounds in the visibility of the books and, with that, their acceptance. Ryan is happy to court his adoring public, whilst I, the powerhouse behind the legend, put in early mornings and late evenings to make him the enigma that he is.
However, as I was walking through the office, I was called over by a rather excited female colleague, who pointed to a picture from my recent photo shoot and said “That’s my favourite.”

Of course as a bloke, Ryan Stark was instantly flattered. Some part of his chauvinistic caveman brain triggered. He assumed a nonchalance and crooned "Well, in that case, it's my favourite too, sweetheart."
In reality, I had mentioned the whole website thing and the sometimes Herculean efforts that lone writers need to put in to promote their work and she, bless her, had taken the time to look through my stuff, make a few comments and even choosing a favourite photo.
Thanks Claire. You have made an old man very happy. Oh, and the offers of chocolate cake are entirely entre-nous.